Fotod Rundetårn

Rundetaarn Observatoriet, autor schoeband

Used by the University of Copenhagen until 1861, the Round Tower is Europe’s oldest functioning astronomy observatory. It is now regularly used by amateur astronomers and others who wish to explore the sky. It is included in the ticket to visit the Observatory. On top of the Round Tower, there has been several different observatories. The latest is from 1929. The observatory is 6.75 metres high and 6 metres in diameter and contains a refracting telescope with 80–450 x magnification. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Rundetårn; eesti keeles ka Ümartorn on torn Kopenhaageni kesklinnas. Torni tipus asub observatoorium, kuhu viib tellistest laotud 209-meetrine spiraalne kaldtee. Observatooriumis on teiste seas töötanud Ole Rømer ja Peder Horrebow. Loe edasi
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