Fotod Amir Timur Museum

Amir Timur Museum, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, autor Boonlong1

Amir Timur was the Mongol conquer of the 14th century known as Tamerlane in the west. His century-long Mongol empire was actually conquered by the Turkic Uzbeks, but today he is considered the father of Uzbekistan (it has been noted that King Arthur was probably defeated by the Anglo-Saxons who now consider him a hero, so this isn't unprecedented). Unfortunately, the museum was closed on Mondays.
Amir Timur Museum (Ўзбек: Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyi) on turismimagnet, üks Muuseumid asukohtadest Toshkent , Usbekistan . See asub: 33 km alates Chirchik, 339 km alates Šõmkent, 620 km alates Namangan. Loe edasi
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